Anne Spudvilas

Anne Spudvilas

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Etching of vintage swimsuit
In Memory of Esther
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Etching of vintage swimsuit
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
etching with chine colle
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Katie Keenes Cossies
Katie Keene's Cossies (sold out edition)
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
hand coloured etching
Polka Dottie
Polka Dottie (sold out edition)
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
hand coloured aquatint etching
Etching of vintage dress
Fan Dance
25cm (W) x 28cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Etching of vintage dress
Geo Girl
25cm (W) x 28cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Etching of vintage dress
Let's Dance
Etching with chine colle
Etching of vintage dress
Twirl Baby Twirl
25cm (W) x 28cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Etching of vintage dress
Shady Lady
25cm (W) x 28cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Esther Lives
Esther Lives (sold out edition)
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Hand coloured etching
Patties Two-piece
Patties Two-piece (sold out edition)
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Swimsuit Study
Swimsuit Study
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Kanji Kozzie ll
Kanji Kozzie ll
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Floral Goddess ll
Floral Goddess ll (sold out edition)
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Floral Goddess
Floral Goddess (sold out edition)
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Japonaise (sold out edition)
15cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
White-necked heron ll
White-necked heron ll
13cm (W) x 24cm (H)
Aquatint etching
35cm (W) x 20cm (H)
Aquatint etching
White-necked heron l
White-necked heron l
13cm (W) x 24cm (H)
Aquatint etching
24cm (W) x 28cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
Dance Me On and On ...
Dance Me On and On ...
23cm (W) x 28cm (H)
Etching with chine colle on pianola roll paper
etching of vintage dress
East West
25cm (W) x 28cm (H)
Etching with chine colle
30cm (W) x 40cm (H)
Hand-coloured aquatint etching